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Beach Road at Nash Update

From: “Arel, Bill”
Date: 12/05/2024 3:33 PM EST
Subject: Beach Road at Nash update

Good afternoon:

I am reaching out again with some updates on our Nash Road extension project. We are about to begin a period of increased activity at the Nash Road and Beach Road intersection, and ask for your continued patience. Here is what to expect:

  • Next Week (as early as Monday, 12/9), crews will be re-striping the intersection area. Once the new paint lines are in, the intersection will operate as a roundabout. The final product will not be complete, so expect to see the roundabout defined with the striping and construction barrels.
  • Flagging operations will return throughout December. These operations are necessary for our crews to safely install the concrete curb and roundabout. Please expect delays. Flagging is limited to the hours of 9am – 3pm; we will have added emphasis on the 3pm stop time.

Please remember that when approaching a roundabout, entering traffic must yield to traffic within the roundabout. VDOT has a great webpage with more information here:

Finally, we appreciate for your continued patience. When coming through the work zone, please keep your speeds low and awareness high!


Bill Arel, PE
Chesterfield County Transportation Department
(804) 748-1998

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