Happy Valentines Day
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your home is blessed, Because of YOU!
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your home is blessed, Because of YOU!
Please see the new policy regarding recording of meetings approved unanimously by the board of directors and effective immediately.
[Late Notice] The Highlands Landscape Committee will meet on Thursday, November 17 @ 1p.m. in the Highlands clubhouse at Lake Margaret Click HERE for more information.
DATE CHANGE! Date was May 14th, Rain Date = Saturday, May 21st, 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Details are HERE.
Please visit the link HERE to view information regarding the Highlands 2021 pool season.
Our neighborhood has some wonderfully festive homes this season! Take a tour of these Fall Yard Contest nominees, many with light and sound features best viewed after dusk.. (The * indicates a contest winner) The list arranges homes in order of appearance for a convenient driving tour. Eastfair Dr Neighborhoods (starting from Woodpecker Rd, …
Celebrate the season! We’re looking for the best reflections of Autumn from the most festive harvest display to the scariest Halloween yard. Nominate yourself or a neighbor to win one of eight $50 gift certificates for our annual Highlands Fall Yard Contest. If you are the first to nominate a winning neighbor, there is a …
New ARC guidelines have been posted to the website. Please review them at your earliest convenience. Click here for more information.