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Category «BOD Announcements»

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Highlands Community Association, Inc’s Annual General Meeting being held on September 26, 2022. A recent mailing by GetQuorum on behalf of The HCA correctly provided instructions for electronic voting, but it incorrectly stated that the meeting will be virtual. This meeting will take place in-person and will NOT be virtual. Click on the image …

Seeking Volunteers – HCA Nomination Committee

The HOA Board is seeking 3 volunteers to participate on the Nomination Committee in support of the election of open board seats for the annual meeting this Fall. No experience necessary, just a desire to make a difference in our community. If interested, please send an email to:

The Highlands HCA owns the pool!

Highlands residents, there has been a bunch of talk over the last few years in regards to the pool and the entire property at Seaview Section 1 Lot 1. After a negotiated settlement with the developer, we are excited to announce as of today that the property officially is ours. The closing took place a …

HCA Litigation Settlement

As many of you are aware, the Board of Directors has been working to try and resolve the litigation with the Developer regarding Seaview Section 1, Lot 1. The Association recently agreed to a settlement with the Developer which resulted in signing a contract to acquire ownership of that parcel which includes the pool, tennis …

Highlands Annual Membership Meeting

THE HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. ANNUAL MEETINGNovember 16, 2021AGENDA I. 6:30pm RegistrationII. 7:00pm Meeting called to OrderIII. Introductions of the Board members and ManagerIV. Quorum Certification and Proof of Notice of MeetingV. Approval of the 2019 Annual Meeting MinutesVI. Reports President’s Report Treasurer’s Report Committee ReportsVII. Election Process Introductions of Candidates Open the floor for …